Dear Davida: Losing Steam

Davida Marthenze, Staff Reporter

Dear Davida,

Now that spring break is over, there isn’t much more

standing in the way of the end of the semester, and I’m having a hard time finding the energy to put a lot of effort into homework and studying. I’m finding myself blowing these things off more and more, and my grades are starting to suffer because of it, but I just don’t have the energy to care. How can I fix this?

Losing Steam


Dear Losing Steam,

It’s not uncommon for students to become restless and complacent in the home stretch. I’m struggling with it myself. My tried-and-true solution is to forget all about the end of the semester and just take it day by day. It’s like when you’re in class, the longer you go without looking at the clock, the faster time goes. If you stop thinking so much about getting to the end, the process of getting there will work itself out much faster. In the meantime, remember that grades are important. College, unlike high school, isn’t good for just skating by on the bare minimum because you’re choosing to be here in order to further yourself on your life’s path. The more you focus, the more you learn and the more accomplished you will be in your field of study. Most of your classes are teaching you things you actually need to know, and if you neglect these things, there’s a chance you’ll be less successful in your major, struggle in your post-college career and wind up living in a van down by the river. Do your homework. If none of this works for you, the Daily Grind sells Red Bull for $2.61 a can. Good luck!