Lakeland University's Student-Run Newsite

The Lakeland Mirror

Lakeland University's Student-Run Newsite

The Lakeland Mirror

Lakeland University's Student-Run Newsite

The Lakeland Mirror

About The Lakeland Mirror

Lakeland University students have been publishing a print version of The Lakeland Mirror since 1936. The current website was unveiled to the public on February 2, 2012. Digital copies of print archives can be found online.

The Mirror is a member of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.


The Mirror’s editorial staff agrees on positions stated in unsigned editorials. All individual columns, cartooons, and letters are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the editors, the Mirror staff or the Lakeland University community in general.

Letter Policy:

The Mirror invites thoughtful replies to articles published in the Mirror or to general topics of news value. Letters can be typed or handwritten and should not exceed 700 words. Letters must be signed and accompanied with the writer’s contact information. Names will not be withheld unless circumstances or issues of safety demand it.  The Mirror reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Expletives will be deleted. Submissions will be printed as space allows or published online exclusively. The Mirror editors encourage all letters be sent to [email protected]

Contact Information:

The Lakeland University Mirror
PO Box 359
Sheboygan, WI 53085-0359

Email: [email protected]