David Simon


Andrea Barile, Staff Reporter

David Simon, formerly the Director of Campus Safety & Security, Clery Compliance, Emergency Management and Shuttle Operations, has recently been promoted to Vice President for Campus Life; he hopes to increase school spirit on campus, create a more inclusive campus environment, and has provided updates to the Title IX website.  Under this new position, Simon is in charge of success coaches, residence life, campus safety, and athletics. New policies will be geared towards creating a more inclusive community between athletic and non-athletic students as well as constructing a more relaxed and enjoyable environment not only campus wide, but also specifically for the residential halls. As Simon is new to the Vice President position, he plans to mostly assess situations around campus and add new policies as they are needed. As Vice President for Campus Life, his main goal is to “get everyone invested.”

In his efforts to connect to all students here at LU, Simon states, “I want all students to know that I have an open-door policy. As the Vice President for Campus Life, the platform that I stand on, along with the Dean for Students, Director for Residence Life, the Director for Campus Safety and the Director for Athletics, are all voices for you all, the students of Lakeland University. Collaboratively, we are all extensions for campus life, and I would like for the students to please express their concerns to us, as we all work together to foster a campus inclusive environment in an effort to enhance the Lakeland experience outside of the classroom.”

In his almost 9 years working for LU, Simon has shown his dedication to our school in a multitude of ways, leading to career success as well as awards. He has recently won the Patriots Award for covering shifts for those who are enlisted and helping those who are serving here on campus in any way he can. Simon has also won the Schilcultt Award of Excellence. These awards, along with the countless positions he has held during his time here at Lakeland, show a work ethic comprised of dedication and compassion.