Kellner takes chess to Esch

Aaron Barth, Staff Reporter

Chess, one of the oldest games in history, has been brought to Lakeland’s Esch Library.

Jamie Kellner is a librarian at Lakeland who has been playing chess for nearly all his life and wants to start an official club where students can enjoy the classic game in a fun environment.

“Chess is a medieval game, and I studied medieval history in college,” Kellner said. “It’s interesting to play the same game they played hundreds of years ago.”

Kellner is a skilled player who is willing to offer advice to players looking to improve their game, but the club isn’t only for experienced players. Jamie says that anyone interested in playing is welcome, even individuals who have never played before. He even discussed going to tournaments and buying strategy guides if there is enough interest.

The club meets Thursday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. in the library.