The Muskies behind the Bradley Theatre

Reece Colberg

The Bradley Theatre holds student employees who are committed to running events for students. Pictured left to right: Jacob Holmer, Dana Hanson, Marian Cramer, Rachel Pagel

Rachel Pagel, Staff Reporter

The Bradley Theatre acts as a second home for many Muskies at Lakeland University. The Bradley Theatre holds student employees who are committed to running events for students. These events are crucial for students to display their passion, individuality, talents and create a community at Lakeland University. Currently, the Bradley Theatre consists of six part-time employees Colin Kenney, Dana Hanson, Jacob Holmer, Marian Cramer, Rachel Pagel and Maeghan Wikkerink. Hanson explained the various events the Bradley hosts, “A better question would be what doesn’t the Bradley have on stage? The Bradley runs International Night, music recitals, TED talks and much more. It is a huge part of Lakeland.”

The employees prepare the stage before all the performances and program microphones for speakers. During performances, the employees run the lighting board and sound board. Cramer explained, “There’s also a lot of problem solving, but that is just kind of how theatre technology is. Things go wrong for no reason, but we all help each other and learn new things together.” The staff have created their own small community amongst themselves. Cramer and Hanson both agreed that the other employees are their favorite part of working at the Bradley. Cramer said, “It is really fun. Sometimes we have impromptu karaoke parties. They’re highly exclusive and invite only because I cannot handle any criticism.”

With the retirement of Charlie Krebs, who is the Associate Professor of Theatre and Speech, many Muskies, including the employees, are worried about what this means for the Bradley. The Bradley staff all made comments about the future of the building. Holmer explained, “For the past three years of working, as the oldest student working at the Bradley, I wish there could be more done to help it in its current condition. It means a lot for me to be able to work at this place.”

Many students use the Bradley for self-expression and to tell their stories. Bennet Joseph is one of those students who extensively uses the Bradley. He shared, “I enjoy the community spirit that surrounds the Bradley and all the people that have been brought together over the past several years. The community here at the Bradley is everything.” Without the dedicated employees at the Bradley these events and performances would not have been possible. The Bradley employees come together to ensure students are heard and lit up on stage. The Bradley is the foundation of building communities and bringing Muskies together and many hope that it will continue to do so in the coming years.