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Lakeland University's Student-Run Newsite

The Lakeland Mirror

Lakeland University's Student-Run Newsite

The Lakeland Mirror

Lakeland University's Student-Run Newsite

The Lakeland Mirror

Marlen Reyes

Marlen Reyes, Staff Reporter

Marlen Reyes is a senior at Lakeland University, Graduating in 2024. She Double majoring in Communications and Spanish. She is a Photographer and a Writer for The Mirror. She joined The Mirror to improve her writing skills and be more involved with the school. Her future goal is to become a News reporter and start her own podcasts with her best friends. Marlen is also part of the Pi Kappa Gamma Sorority, A.L.A.S , and the school soccer team. Most of her free time is spent back at home with her baby sister and family. Marlen tends to travel a lot to Mexico to explore new places and learn more about her culture.

All content by Marlen Reyes