Muskie Spotlight: Jacob Battle

Jacob Battle, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Jacob Battle, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Q: What year are you and what is your major?

A: Freshman and criminal justice.


Q: What has been the highlight of the season so far?

A: The highlight of the season for me so far was placing second in triple jump at Conference. For football, however, it would be that we finished second in the conference as a team.


Q: If someone gave you the power to save just one animal species on earth, which would it be?

A: Polar bears.


Q: Who is the one Hollywood actress you would want to marry and why?

A: Jennifer Lawrence because she’s an all around babe. She’s talented at what she does. I like a woman with talent.


Q: What position do you play and why do you enjoy that position?

A: In football, I play wide receiver, and I enjoy it because there are a lot of opportunities to be a playmaker here, just as there are in other positions on the field. I love to show out every chance I get and be able to contribute to the team’s success when given the opportunity. In track, I’m a jumper, and I enjoy it because I’ve always wanted to fly as a youngster, and jumping is the closest thing to having that ability.


Q: If you could change anything about an elephant, what would it be and why?

A: If I could change one thing about elephants, I would give them fur. It would be kind of like seeing a woolly mammoth, and that would be a pretty neat experience.