Letter to the Editor: Is Genie really free or not?

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the editorial, “Is Genie really free or not?” published Sept. 25. I am grateful you attempted to raise awareness about suicide and that you included two resources available to students who may be considering suicide. Both are excellent resources.

I do, however, want to remind students of the campus resources available to them. Lakeland College has two counselors, a nurse, a chaplain, hall directors, coaches and security officers who are available to listen to students and offer support. These staff members can guide students to additional resources as needed.

If a Lakeland student is feeling depressed or considering suicide, he or she can talk to one of the counselors on campus. Cary Knier is here Monday-Thursday, 8-4:30 (920-565-1527) and Alex Liosatos is here Thursday-Friday, 8-4:30 (920-565-1531). If it is in the evening or on the weekend, students can call security at 920-565-1126 and an officer can assist them and will contact a counselor or Mobile Crisis Counseling.

Suicide should never be taken lightly. Nobody knows what it is like to be in someone else’s shoes, especially when they are depressed. I don’t think we can make sweeping judgments about someone’s choices. We need to be sensitive to people’s pain and be there to support them, not judge them. This is how we work together to prevent suicide.


With sincerity,

Cary Knier, PsyD.

Director of Counseling Services