Inspiration with Lindsey: Finding life’s perfect chocolate chip cookie

Inspiration with Lindsey: Finding life’s perfect chocolate chip cookie

Lindsey Vagnini, Advertising Manager

How do we figure out the right consistency for a batch of raw chocolate cookie chip cookie dough, or any uncooked dough?

When we determine the dough’s consistency, we are deciding the readiness of the batch. If the dough is not mixed well enough, we continue working the dough to get the texture needed for the recipe.

Testing and pausing to check the dough is how we moderate its thin or thickness. In the end, you get cookies: the mushy, melty and chocolaty kind.

To get there, though, we must go through this previous mentioned process.

On, I recently saw an image that read, “Consistency is not perfection, it is simply refusing to give up.”

Consistency in life is what those around us will remember, appreciate and develop for a new kind of understanding within; even if it can be checkered at times, we learn to trust it.

One way we learn to trust is through testing, which is how we determine where our consistency needs more attention: In what we are being consistent, and why?

These questions test us at our core and help focus us on those areas in our lives that need that little bit of extra attention.

Time and again, I have to ask these questions because they help me find where my own little areas of life need more investment, just like testing the dough in order to have a good outcome.

If we want mouthwatering food, we need consistent and tested ingredients inside. Similarly, it seems if we want good outcomes in life, it is not much different.