Sexual Assault Awareness Week at LU

Savannah Miranda, Staff Reporter

On April 10 – April 14, 2023, Phi Delta Omega talked about sexual assault awareness (SAAW) which the Phi Delta Omega hosted different events throughout the week to support those who have been through it. They were able to raise money for charities that help support those in need. Phi Delta Omega is known for academics and giving back to the community. The events they held were egg a Phi Delt, a dodgeball tournament, a raffle bucket, pins, handprints, and jeans patches. The reason those events are important to them is that the topic is unspoken. The events are to raise money and awareness for those who get blamed.

The events they hosted this year were teaching self-defense and candlelight vigil so that people can talk about their experiences, pray, have a moment of silence, lanterns, candles as they come together as a community to support one another in a time of need. The money they raised goes to Safe Harbor and to local charities. SAAW is something that is not spoken about enough, so hosting these events is beneficial to show that there is a community of supporters who have your back when they feel like when they have no one.