Behind the Scenes: The Lakeland Mirror

Maddie Bentley, Staff Reporter

The Lakeland Mirror is a completely student-run organization on campus that posts weekly articles on recent events that happen on and off campus. Remy Hansen, Jacob Sagal, Bora Ajdini, Rachel Pagel, Susana Stevens, Savannah Miranda, Rueben Richardson, Mikayla Rieck, Matt Crowley, Elijah SantiagoCarl, Kaylee Markham, Nick Sorensen, Mary Athorp, Olivia Curley, and myself are current writers and photographers who work on articles that get published to our website.

The Mirror is always welcoming new members to the team! Lakeland offers the newspaper as a 1 credit course from 11:15 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays.

When talking to Remy, editor-and-chief, she stated that when she first started freshman year, Dr. Nathan Stewart was the advisor for the Newspaper. They were in a different classroom and had to write all of their story ideas on a whiteboard. The students would print them, and it was the main source of information.

“Every Tuesday, we would go to the Mac lab and would be there for probably an hour and print hundreds of paper copies. We would use a butter knife to scrape the newspapers to a crisp crease down the middle. After all the papers were folded, each person received a list of locations on campus where they needed to drop off their stacks. We would spend the next 10-15 minutes walking around campus, dropping off our stacks,” she replied.

Now, our staff publishes all of the news articles online on The Lakeland Mirror website. Bora, our social media guru, highlights all of the articles published on our social media pages. Jacob, our editor/revisor, looks at all article submissions and provides feedback for all writers apart of the staff.

When talking to Dr. Aimee Burns, faculty advisor for the course, she talked a little bit about how she dabbled in Journalism during her undergraduate program and was excited to become the advisor for this course. Despite having to relearn a lot of key aspects that go into journalism, she loves the environment and the students that work as part of the staff.

“I’ve been doing this for four semesters now, and I love the role that I play in this experience. I don’t have to tell anyone what to do, they just do it. They get to showcase their skills as writers.”

Rachel Pagel, the new up-and-coming editor-and-chief for the Mirror, said, “I am having a wonderful time learning from Remy! I hope that I can fill her shoes for the semesters to come. I am extremely excited about the future of The Mirror. As a Professional Writing major, I am hoping to gain new insights into my field career by being the editor-in-chief next year.