What affects the ruling to close for weather?
January 29, 2015
When the weather turns snowy and cold, Richard Haen, senior director of facilities management and security, decides whether or not to close campus.
Before the decision to close campus is made, Haen looks at multiple weather forecasts.
According to Haen, a wind chill advisory is reserved for temperatures between minus 20 and minus 34 degrees.This turns into a warning when temperatures drop below minus 35 degrees.
“Typically when it hits that warning, we will look at closing the campus,” said Haen.
There are many more factors that influence the decision to close campus when snow is the primary concern.
“We could have six inches of snow come straight down and you can drive through it perfectly fine,” said Haen. “If the winds pick up and it is drifting and blinding snow, we may close at two inches of snow.”
In addition to forecasts, they also look at the public and private schools in the area to see if they are closing. Because of Lakeland’s location, Haen takes into consideration the safety of commuters, faculty and staff who commute.
In addition, when the Sheboygan County schools close, it does not necessarily mean that Lakeland’s campus will close.
“They are a bigger entity, and they are dealing with a younger population that may be more sensitive to frostbite,” said Haen.
When Lakeland does not close, it is up to the individual to decide if he or she wants to drive to campus or not.