Broaden your horizons during May Term
This year, students can travel to Japan, Cancun and Greece during May Term.
February 18, 2015
Jennifer Siebert, instructor of Japanese and director of international programs, urges students to grab hold of the opportunity to take a class in another country during May Term.
One of Siebert’s duties is coordinating and assisting with the study abroad program. According to Siebert, there are many things one can learn from going abroad. This knowledge includes understanding a new culture, learning how to better communicate, finding one’s comfort zone and how to get out of it, gaining maturity and learning more about one’s self.
“In almost every town in the United States there’s a little bit of diversity, so if you have experience with communicating with somebody else from another culture, that can only help you and set you apart,” Siebert said.
During a travel-abroad course, students still go to class, but there is also a cultural element. Some past trip locations include London, Greece, Belize, Japan, China, Cancun and Germany.
This year, there are classes going to Japan for business, Cancun for hospitality management and Greece for theatre. Also, during the summer, students can go to Lakeland’s sister school in Korea to help out at the English camp during the month of July.
Next year, travel courses include Ireland for business, Israel for religion, Belize for biology and Britain for history during May Term.
For May Term courses, the cost of traveling can be included on the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). A traveling course generally costs around $2,500 to $3,000. According to Siebert, the experience an individual gets from traveling is worth much more than the cost of the course.
“I think overall a lot of people are surprised by how much they learned from it and also enjoyed it,” Siebert said.
Chloe Reed, sophomore Spanish major, is the international program’s clerical assistant. She has studied abroad in Costa Rica while in high school and hopes to go to Seville, Spain, next year for a summer course. Her job includes working hand-in-hand with Siebert in marketing the study abroad programs.
“Everyone should travel because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Reed said. “Carpe diem (seize the day).”
Studying abroad is not just an option for May Term. It is also available for summer, fall or spring semesters. For more information, contact Siebert at [email protected] or stop by her office in Old Main 33.