Graduates working in their field: a slim reality


Mayce Bacon, Staff Reporter

Do you think you are going to use your degree after you graduate? Not all students get to.

Dailycaller conducted a survey and found that just 14 percent of this year’s college seniors have steady, career-type jobs lined up for their lives after graduation. In other words, 86 percent of America’s college graduates have no careers for post-college life.

That is not very much, in fact it is about one out of 10 people, who will have a job that uses their degree. Are you going to be that one person?

From Newsweek: “The millennial generation is still lagging in the workplace, just as it did last year. It makes up about 40 percent of the unemployed in the U.S., says Anthony Carnevale, a director and research professor for Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce.”

By the year 2020, millennials, or the group of people in college or around that age, will be 46 percent of the workforce. That is us. But that doesn’t mean that joining the workforce means you are using your degree.

So, how do you become part of the 14 percent rather than the 86 percent? Start with preparation.

Part of it is simply doing the research. Look up where jobs in your fields are, and if they’re not close by, perhaps consider moving there.

Another thing you can do is keep up to date on new information that comes up in your field, even if you are not currently working in that field. It will help your chances of getting that job you apply for.

And lastly, keep in mind feedback that you receive from others, especially from those within your own field.