Lakeland University takes mental health very seriously. Because of this, students may request an emotional support animal. ESAs are not service animals and are not permitted to go to class or other buildings on campus. Instead, an ESA is part of an ongoing therapeutic treatment plan by supporting the mental health challenges in a student’s residence.
First, an emotional support animal must be prescribed as an ongoing part of a treatment plan by a healthcare provider. This means a healthcare provider must recommend the animal and be aware of the benefits the animal provides. It also means that the student must have a pre-established relationship with the animal and may not simply adopt a new animal from a shelter.
The required forms to obtain an ESA are:
- Disability Accommodation Request Form for an Emotional Support Animal
- Verification of Disability Form for Emotional Support Animal
- Roommate Agreement form
- Lakeland University Policy and Agreement for Emotional Support Animals
The first step is to connect with Karen Eckhardt, our disabilities services coordinator, to inquire about the process. A verification of disability form will be sent for the prescribing healthcare provider to fill out asking basic questions about the level of assistance an ESA would have on the student’s mental health status.
Following that, the disability accommodation request form must be completed. The student fills out this form regarding information about the animal, symptoms of the disability and how the animal helps when facing the disability. An ESAs mere presence should provide support and comfort to the student.
Roommates in dorms or apartments must also agree to have an ESA in their space, therefore, the roommate agreement form needs to be signed. This form says not only that roommates agree to have the animal in their space but also that the roommates have no responsibility regarding the animal.
The last form must be signed once the ESA has been approved. This form is the Lakeland policy and agreement form for having an ESA. It outlines all the responsibilities and requirements associated with having an ESA on campus and what owners are and aren’t allowed to do as pet owners. Signing this form means you understand the rules and responsibilities of having an ESA on campus and are willing to follow the guidelines.
There are important details those requesting an ESA should know. The town of Herman requires all dogs to be licensed and have proof of current vaccinations. There is a fee of $8 when licensing. Additionally, the medical record of any requested ESA must be sent in to Lakeland to ensure current vaccinations. The owner will also have to send a full body picture of the animal so that in case of emergency or an escape campus safety and residence life knows what the animal looks like.
Lastly, once approved don’t forget to pick up a “in case of emergency save our pets” sticker to put on the door where the animal will be staying. These can be obtained from Eckhardt in the library.