Inspiration with Lindsey: Learning lessons through adaptation
December 4, 2015
If we look at where we are right now in life, it might seem weird to think that we have either just learned how to adapt to a setting, are in the adjustment process, or are about to plunge into a new experience that will require adaptation.
Adjustments benefit is found as we mirror our current position and maybe from the times in the past which required adjustment, then deciding whether or not we made the best out of the easy or hard periods.
For example, we may find ourselves in situations where adaptation is difficult and we might decide to give up and forgo trying to find ways to adjust to our circumstances. However, this might do more bad than good, as many experienced people would likely advise.
Conversely, as we consider the steps we took to make a situation more feasible, normal and altogether comfortable, our efforts to make the most of this adaption cycle may be a healthy gain.
On a personal level, adaptation can mean synchronizing personalities, atmospheres and daily habits.
On the other hand, professionally, we might adapt to a company’s guidelines, environment and policies as a basic way to conform. A company may have stipulations in their expected social exchanges and uniforms, or have rules that govern how a certain document or project must be produced.
We may not be adapting to each situation encountered in the best of ways, but when we do, it is certainly a wonder to see it occur and then learn from that process.
Adaption is almost like drinking water, we do it often because it’s an inevitable and natural part of life. However, because of this reality, we might miss the encouragement found in times we find a healthy balance as we transition from one place to another.
Luckily, the memory of what we did in the past to adapt generates clues for future application. Within these clues, we can derive encouragement from the process of successful adaptation.