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Lakeland University's Student-Run Newsite

The Lakeland Mirror

Lakeland University's Student-Run Newsite

The Lakeland Mirror

Lakeland University's Student-Run Newsite

The Lakeland Mirror

Luke's Movie Monday: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” shows weakness through spoilers

Luke’s Movie Monday: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” shows weakness through spoilers

Luke Ulatowski, Social Media Editor January 18, 2016

2015s “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is the only film of the year that could pry me off of Netflix and send me to the theater, and I’d wager the same applies to most broke college students. The seventh...

What's the best scary movie? 'Night of the Living Dead' vs. 'Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein'

What’s the best scary movie? ‘Night of the Living Dead’ vs. ‘Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein’

Karalee Manis and Leah Ulatowski October 29, 2015

In honor of Halloween, we asked our columnists Karalee and Leah to stop arguing about this progressives vs. conservatives nonsense and talk about something that actually matters, such as which scary...

Movie Monday with Luke: “Melancholia” evenly separates its hits, misses

Luke Ulatowski, Social Media Editor October 19, 2015

These days, you probably know Danish film director Lars von Trier for 2013’s “Nymphomaniac,” a two-part borderline pornographic drama advertised with the O-faces of Shia LaBeouf and the rest...

Movie Monday with Luke: “Equilibrium” ridiculous, fails at being intelligent

Movie Monday with Luke: “Equilibrium” ridiculous, fails at being intelligent

Luke Ulatowski, Staff Reporter October 5, 2015

If there’s one genre of film that can power through abysmal reviews to dominate the box office, it’s action. If you only went by what people on the internet said, you’d think the modern “Transformers”...

Movie Monday with Luke: ‘Labyrinth earns cult status through Bowie’

Movie Monday with Luke: ‘Labyrinth earns cult status through Bowie’

Luke Ulatowski, Staff reporter September 28, 2015

When you hear the name Jim Henson, what do you think of first? It’s most likely the comedy supernova “The Muppets,” which in the six decades of its existence has evolved to cover every form of media...

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