Letter to the Editor: Alphabet Soup election statement

Alister Kohls, Reader

To my fellow Muskies,

In light of the election results this week, I would like to take this time to remind us all of the purpose and mission of the LGBTQ and allied student group, Alphabet Soup:

Alphabet Soup, exists to educate, support, and encourage respectful discussion, expression, and build a sense of community within Lakeland University. As Muskies, we strive for acceptance and awareness of the LGBTQ community and will support all students – whether LGBTQ or allied. Alphabet Soup is a safe space organization open to all identities where love, equity, and equality are supported, and ableism, cissexism, classicism, faithism, heterosexism, racism, sexism, and any other –ism will not be tolerated.

We stand with our national community in this uncertain time and will continue to peacefully support and educate our Lakeland community. We are here; we are queer, and we support everyone. This student group represents love and acceptance of all peoples, cultures, and beliefs.

If any student ever finds theirself in need of support, community, and acceptance you can contact the organization (FB: @LakelandLGBTQ) or the group’s faculty advisor, Rev. Lex Cade-White ([email protected]). Any faculty or staff member may also hang a Safe Space poster (image below) in or around their office to signify students are welcome and safe in their space. Staff and Faculty interested in obtaining one of these posters please contact Rev. Lex Cade-White.

Alphabet Soup has weekly meetings in Old Main 23 every Friday at 3.30. We welcome all peoples and are here to listen, support, and encourage healthy self-identity and expression. If you experience harassment, violence, or other forms of discrimination, Alphabet Soup members are here for you. Incidents should be reported to Security and support services are also available.