Reflections: Is a woman who lies about rape as bad as a man who commits it?
December 4, 2014
Reflection: Is a woman who lies about rape as bad as a man who commits it?
Nathaniel Cooper
International Business/ Computer Science Major
“No; lying about rape is bad, but not to the extent of a man who actually commits it. A woman can lie about rape because of certain circumstances, so it does not equal a person sexually abusing a woman. I think the justice system should set up some requirement that will not allow a woman to lie about rape.”
Emily Grunewald
Psychology Major
“To an extent, yes. Lying itself isn’t the worst part of it. It is the after effects that compare to the act of rape. If she lies, she ruins the reputation of not only herself, but also the accused. Rape not only ruins reputations, but mind and body as well. Although both acts are not on the same level, they both have consequences that affect those involved. So yes, it is as bad to lie as to commit the act.”
Siera Ramirez
Choral/General Music Education Major
“Yes and no. Yes because rape is never something to lie about, and the act of rape is obviously horrible. No, because on a scale of “awful doings” rape is incredibly higher than lying.”
Rebecca Schmidt
Business Management/Marketing Major
“While lying is not as severe as committing the crime of rape, a woman should never lie about rape. Two negatives in this case will not be positive for anyone. There is no good in rape or lying.”