Summer Housing
April 13, 2023
With the end of the year just around the corner, many students are looking for summer jobs around the surrounding area. If students are looking to work around the area in summer, Lakeland has an opportunity for students. Better yet, students can have free summer housing along with it. In a recent interview with Jensen Bartels, who works at Career Office here at Lakeland, she commented “Companies paying for summer housing include Johnsonville, Rocky Knoll, Blue Harbor Resort and Conference Center, and Osthoff Resort.
Employers are paying $1,050.00 per student for housing for this summer. The student will save that money by working for one of these employers.” Students can stay at Lakeland for free if students work at one of these companies over the summer. Double room prices start at $1,050.00, if students choose to get a double-single or a single room they will pay up to $1,050.00, everything over that students will have to pay. When asked the question how students can find these opportunities, Bartels said: “Students can get involved simply by applying for a qualifying position at one of our four employers that will pay for summer housing.
The student works with the employer on what the expectations are to be eligible for summer housing.” Overall, this is a wonderful experience for all students, as well as students getting to stay on campus for free! If students want to learn more about summer employment students can email [email protected] and [email protected] to find out more information.