With the holiday season coming up rapidly, people around the community are going all in to spread the holiday cheer. Whether it is community helpers putting up Christmas lights, spreading the holiday joy, or getting meals out around the community, many are partaking in the holiday festivities. Fresh Meals on Wheels is right out of Sheboygan and offers a great way to help the local community near Lakeland. Specifically, many are taking part in Fresh Meals on Wheels. Fresh Meals on Wheels offers plenty of volunteer work for anyone who needs community service hours for Greek life, as well as anyone who wants to do it out of the kindness of their hearts and wants to spread the holiday cheer. Fresh Meals on Wheels is an organization that delivers meals to the houses of those in need. What makes Fresh Meals on Wheels different is that they grow their own vegetables. Indicating that the Fresh is Fresh.
In an interview with Allison Thompson, who works and sets up volunteer opportunities, Thompson explained “Our Meals on Wheels underline county program. We are an independent nonprofit agency, and we serve people who are in need of meals. Whether it is a speech for short term or long term we do not have a waiting list anyone in need of meals is fed. Most everybody feels that they need meals either because their older adults or their homebound. Whether it’s from an entry or medical condition something temporary maybe they’re having hip surgery or something and need help for a little bit so we do charge for our meals and then if anyone can’t afford the meals, we work with different agencies that help cover the costs of the meals there are meals.” Anyone in Sheboygan County can be reached by Fresh Meals on Wheels. They also take donations. They recently received 500 pounds of cabbage from a farm and will get ears of corn from farmers. In addition to donations, they also grow their own vegetables.
It is easy to join or just help out. Volunteers can go and help with either delivering meals, making meals, tending the plants, and much more. Thompson added “So we have volunteers that deliver our meals we have 32 routes every day and those Suwanee at least 33 to 16 volunteers every day just to deliver meals Monday through Friday that’s at 11:10 a.m. at all pick up locations so we have a pickup location at Harris Grove we have pick up locations of fun and here the house group the patients actually live up later there’s I think it’s 11:45 a.m. because the carrier goes to Plymouth first and then heads that way and then we also have volunteers that help out in our kitchen typically that’s in the mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.”
Getting into the holiday spirit early is fun and all and, and Fresh Meals on Wheels allows all who join to festively help the community. Students interested in doing some community service can go over to their website and sign up today.