Finals week!!

Maddie Bentley, Staff Reporter

When asking students around campus what they think helps them the best when preparing for finals week, these common seven things came up: 


  1. Creating your own study guides can help piece together all the information needed to be successful and can help you understand the material better. 
  1. Asking questions to professors and peers will better you with the material from your different courses and will better prepare you when finals week is here. 
  1. Start studying early because cramming the night before will jumble all the material in your head and will cause massive amounts of stress 
  1. Take breaks! Not all of it can be learned in one night — take portions of time to learn different concepts 
  1. Stay rested because it will help with focus and can help with accessing information in your memory  
  1. Study for the type of exam. If it is multiple choice, practice using multiple choice questions. If it is essay answers, practice writing out answers and knowing the answers fully. 
  1. Reorganize notes so that similar concepts are grouped together, and information is easier to retain.